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Cool Text - The Hunt For Joy 208294816682105

Darkness. Echoes. Monsters. All that Cryptic needed. He was taking a pleasant walk in the forest with his worrysome friend, Rushing. But the night had other plans for him. Lights flashed, there was a rustling in the bushes. One turn of his head, and his companion was gone.

He padded on north, where the scent was fresh, and set off on the quest to rescue his friend. Within a short distance, Cryptic hit something sticky on his paw pads, Slime. Another step, and cobwebs clung to his pelt. What a mess he was! But he didn't give up.

Soon he reached the heart of the gathering light. But they weren't light, not even light spirits, They were ghosts, and more were yet to come. Cryptic could hear it. He ran off, still on the right track, but in fear of what is happening to Rushing.

Eventually, he gave up for the night and rested on a hill. A nightmare seeped through. In it, A band of rough mutts were torturing Rushing to her death. This sent Cryptic awake within a heartbeat, and gave him a running start. 

After a long while, (And after Cryptic came to from dehydration), he found himself in a camp full of wolves. One looked so bulky and threatening that it was obvious he was the Alpha. "Who are you? You look like the perfect item to eat for dinner. Better than your scrawny friend that'll we'll have for breakfast tomorrow." the Alpha sneered. "The name's Metal, i'm the Alpha here, and this is my Beta next to me, Tyranny.  He's very bloodthirsty like me." Cryptic just stared, wondering why they wanted his friend.

"It's best you learn whose gonna kill you, or eat you. Now its time for the Torture Ritual." the Alpha barked. All the wolves were in unison, "All who do nothing will be tortured, All who have mercy will be killed, and All who disrespect will be eaten." Then they threw Cryptic right down deep into the pit. "Rushing?" he wondered. Her head stayed down. Cryptic pawed at her, waking her. "CC-Cryptic? Why why are you here?" Rushing stammered. "I have to save you from Metal and his Pack." Cryptic replied. "Its too late, Cryptic. I'm tomorrow's breakfast. Besides, you should go before they add you to their menu, Hurry." Rushing barked. Cryptic obeyed, running away, in tears.

She was his only true love,

And now she will be dead.
