Animal Groups Roleplay Stories Wiki

Theme Song!!!!!!!!!![]


Paradise Fears - 'Battle Scars' Lyrics

Chapter 1: Early Kithood[]

A young tiny tomkit watched the other kits in the nursery play their little game. His golden eyes watched them wrestle and toss the moss ball, he longed to play with them too, but they would never let him. He's too tiny and weak! I don't want to play with him. He's so annoying! He's just gonna get us in trouble! That's all they would say. The queens and older cats would just ignore him or say the same. Sometimes, he noticed some would give him dirty looks, he never knew why. The ginger brown kit rested his head on his paws, his tail swaying in boredom. "Hey. Omen!" The tomkit lifted his head. A larger ginger brown tomkit with emerald eyes was gazing down at him. He was carrying a two mossballs in his jaws. "Wanna play Capture the Mossball?" He asked him. Omen's golden eyes lit up, "Yeah!" The larger kit dropped the mossball before him. "Strike! Come play with us!" The other kits cheered. Strike was Omen's brother, but they liked Strike more than they liked him. "Can Omen play?" Strike asked them, a sort of edge in his voice. The other kits exchanged glanced with each other. Strike growled lowly and turned back to his brother. "Let's play outside! C'mon Omen!" The larger tomkit bounded outside the nursery, Omen scrambled to his paws and hurried after him but at the exit he hurried back in and snatched the mossball then got it. A pleasant breeze passed by moorland, Strike was waiting for him. They were in a part of the moorland called the "Play Area" for the kits, so they wouldn't disturb the cats at camp. "I already hid my mossball," Strike smirked, "Hurry and hide yours." Omen grinned from behind the mossball and hurried to a patch of grass he can hide the mossball. He made sure he hid it no cat's way. Once he found a decent looking spot he dropped his mossball there and hid it. He hurried back over to Strike, who was waiting patiently for him. "Done?" He tilted his head. "Yeah!" Omen grinned widely. Omen crouched down playfully, "When do we start?" He asked excitedly. Another soft breeze flew by the moorland, "Now!" Strike yowled.

Chapter 2: Still A Kit.. But Not For Long![]

